Monday 8 August 2016

Not a Minor project...

Not a Minor project...

Visiting Beaulieu this September we (me and my wife Titia) thought camping would be a great idea for a week visit to UK. So we started collecting all old stuff laying around from camping 25 years ago, as we decided to go with the Minor and therefor the caravan could not join. The old tent (from our son) was a bit small for two almost 60 year old having to hide for bad weather during a full week. So we decided to buy a new one. And than it started... Tent (big enough to stand upright), chairs, stretcher to avoid laying on the ground, etc, etc. It would not fit in the Minor. The decision was quickly made: We need a trailer!

And not just a trailer! It should fit into the spirit of the ancient times the Minor is from. This is what we found:

1977 homemade steel welded trailer in reasonable condition. That is when the project started - with a clear deadline: Test weekend in Twente August 26, one week later to UK.

First created a lorry to store it in the corner of the garage.

Fitting a tow bar on the Minor. 

Removed the old wheel covers.
After grinding the complete trailer (inside and outside), painting can start.

Inside first primer coating

New wheel covers get a primer coating

Inside and outside in new color: Old English White

Wood for the lid prepared.

New wheel covers fitted, new wheels fitted (larger).

New cables for rear lights

New rear lights mounted

And working!

Lights and reflector completed

New grip for both the lids

Assembling the wooden rack for the lid (CD-covers are excellent for accurate spacing)

Lid complete with new grip and wooden rack

Cover for the inside

Just to check the size ;)

Almost finished

The final result

Camping in the UK

Morris Minor Club weekend Twente

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