Sunday 4 October 2015

New gauges (4)

Remember the problem finding the right temp sensor for my Smiths temperature gauge?

TT4800 (green isolation) should be the right one. I found it (cheap) on eBay (only Euro 9), but it claims to be the GTR102, TT4800 and TT3600 at the same time. Suspicious...

For that money I bought it and did the kitchen test:
The results:

The Smiths sensor wants 9 Ohm at 90 C, but the "TT4800" gives 35, still far too high. Probably the "TT4800" is not a genuine "TT4800". Covering 3 different types of sensors was enough reason to suspect that :(.

Temp GTR101 GTR104 TT4800 Smiths Gauge
75 125 93 50 22
80 105 80 42 15
85 89 67 39 12
90 78 60 35 9
95 64 53 30 6
100 58 44 22  

To be continued...

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