Wednesday 4 February 2015

New gauges

I decided to fit at least a oil pressure gauge, and found a set of second hand gauges from a MG (according the seller). After the rebuild of the engine I fitted the oil pressure gauge in temporary setup to monitor the oil pressure during the test rides.
But I have three gauges (revolutions, water temp and oil pressure), that must be fit in the glove compartment. Tried to get a glove box lid, so I could make some holes and easy fit all, but these are hard to get. So I started my own design. Used a piece of polycarbonate that was left over from another job, made the holes, and made a backplate so all could easily be fit in the existing frame of the glove box.

Need some grinding and painting, but this is the intermediate result:
The rpm gauge has 12V/6V/+ connections....
Probably it has been used in a + on earth car. Have to be aware when connecting.

To be continued....

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